Tenant Portal

Landlord Portal

HOA Portal (Coming Soon)

Call Us Today! 951-260-0711

We Are Expert Relationship Liaisons

Property Management Services

There are numerous property management companies serving the Southwest Riverside Region. What solidifies LCL Realty / Property Management above the rest is our unwavering dedication to remaining always in motion — because our clients are the center of our world.

With 24/7 on-call service, our team strives to keep our property management clients’ operations seamless, completely breaking down each component of our symbiotic relationship. We take the stress off of landlords by managing tenants and the needs of the property itself.

LCL has the balancing act of property management services perfected.

Landlords Love Working with LCL

We work with all types of landlords  – partnering with everyone from homeowners looking to list an unoccupied property for rent to major investors with large property portfolios.

Record Keeping

We handle your records so you don’t have to! From financial records to business documents, our property management team will keep everything organized, so you can focus on what’s important. In addition, we can provide tenant, owner, vendor, and property files upon request.

Upkeep & Maintenance

We work with local vendors to keep your property attractive and functionally sound. And in the event of a problem, we offer 24/7 services to ensure a local contractor is around to provide the needed fix. You can rest assured that your property is in good hands with LCL Realty / Property Management!

Our in-house Repair Property Maintenance (RPM) team is fully licensed and insured, and is available for all of your repair property maintenance needs. We provide quality, efficient and professional services and work with both our in-house RPM team and with outside third-party vendors to ensure you get the services you need. We are dedicated to providing you with the best maintenance services, and we coordinate with all vendors to ensure that your property is in the best condition possible.

Tenant Screening

Securing the right tenant for your property is crucial for your comfort as a property owner. We offer comprehensive screening, background checks, and selection services to meet your specified criteria. We have a reputation for attracting high-quality tenants!

Comprehensive Resources & Easy-To-Use Software

We’re proud to provide our clients with streamlined solutions! We offer a range of resources, including separate, secure landlord and tenant portals.

Want to work with the LCL Realty / Property Management team?

LCL Realty / Property Management

28057 Bradley Rd,
Menifee, CA 92586

Business Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday & Sunday

After hours drop box located on premises 

Dealing with an after hours emergency? Don’t worry, someone is on call!

Emergency After Hours Line (951) 260-0711

DRE #01918397